I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to all the Society Awards Programme winners and finalists. We have so much to learn from one another, and your achievements are an inspiration to all of us at CFA Institute and the entire CFA Society® community.
I encourage society leaders to take the time to review the finalists’ applications that have been shared on Society Center. These highlight exceptional work on the part of societies and volunteers. Also, look out for spotlights on the award winners on Connexions over the next month.
As our fiscal year 2020 draws to a close, Marg Franklin and I would like to invite all society leaders and staff to attend our upcoming Virtual CFA Society Strategic Update. This will be broadcast on 17, 18, and 19 August. We look forward to sharing some important updates regarding the new organizational strategy and changes that will be impacting CFA Institute and societies. Each event will also include a live Q&A. Please register for your regional session now.
This is a year of evolution for us all. While we lay the foundation to better deliver our mission, I want to gather your feedback through forums like the Society Leader Strategy Task Force, XL Society CEO/ED input, Virtual Society Leader Town Halls, PCR & SPAC meetings, and especially through your regional teams and Society Relations Managers. Thank you for your engagement as we embark on rolling out our new strategy.
Ethics and Trust in Finance Prize
Now in its eighth edition, CFA Institute is pleased to support the Ethics & Trust in Finance Prize for a Sustainable Future, a global competition to raise awareness among young people of the benefits of ethics in finance. The competition is now open to entries and we encourage you to share the details with your members.
ESG Standard Consultation Paper
CFA Institute is developing a voluntary, global industry standard to establish disclosure requirements for investment products with ESG-related features. Any individual, group, or organization may submit a comment letter and we will be encouraging you to notify your members. New volunteer opportunities will be available.
More details coming soon
New Membership Application is Live!
Changes to the application platform and process have been made to support the new work experience calculations and streamline the operations of your membership management process.
Career Tools Promotional Assets
The new Career Tools platform will help to deliver more value for your members. To support promotion of this platform, we have developed web and email banners that can be customized with your society’s logo, along with CFA Institute branded social tiles.
Log in to Society Center to download the assets.
Decoding the CFA Institute Member Survey on COVID-19
From 14 – 16 July 2020, three regional events were hosted to decode the CFA Institute Member Survey “Is the Coronavirus Rocking the Foundation of Capital Markets?”. Speakers shared their thoughts on how society leaders can use the survey results to build brand and strengthen relationships locally.
Click here to view the recordings, PowerPoint slides and additional resources you can share with your members.
Sharing Social Content
Engage your members by sharing new, ready-made social media posts on your local society channels.
CFA Institute to Accelerate Transition to Computer-Based Testing
On 4 August, we alerted CFA Program candidates about our decision to accelerate the transition of Levels II and III to computer-based testing (CBT). We are also providing more information about their scheduling and test center options. Please refer to the email you were sent on 3 August, or read our FAQs for more information.
To help you communicate the exam changes to your stakeholders, we have developed a PDF version of an informational deck. Please contact your SRMs for access to the editable version.
Presidents Council Election Results
The voting for the 2020 Presidents Council election concluded on 18 July 2020, and the results were subsequently reviewed and verified by the Presidents Council Nominating Committee. The candidates demonstrated passion, ambition, and overall vision for their regions.
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